Tuesday 27 August 2024

When the BBC told the truth about, and took the piss out of, the Big 'Multi-Level Marketing' Lie.

This clip was recently posted on Youtube, but it comes from an episode of 'My Family' - a top-rated BBC situation comedy show that was first broadcast around 15-20 years ago.

My Family - Wikipedia

Although, to many people, what is depicted in this clip, can seem far too ridiculous to have any basis in reality, whoever wrote this episode of 'My Family', must have had a direct experience of an 'MLM' cult, probably 'Amway.'

Amazingly, as far as I'm aware, no British television channel has ever made, let alone broadcast, a serious investigation of the 'MLM' cult  phenomenon. Yet clearly there have been persons working in television in the UK who know that so-called 'MLM' companies have been the fronts for pyramid frauds, and that chronic 'MLM' adherents really have undergone sudden, radical personality transformations. However, the 'MLM' cult phenomenon first entered the UK, in the form of 'Amway,' as long ago as 1973.

According to the so-called 'UK Direct Selling Association,' currently there are half a million UK citizens (95% of whom are women) under contract to its member companies. However, this propaganda doesn't explain that almost all of these corporate structures are 'Amway' copy-cats which have been peddling so-called 'MLM income opportunities,' or that their bosses have been fraudulently withholding key-information revealing their (built in) effectively 100% overall net loss/churn rates.

Any claim, or implication, that one penny of extra (net) income, let alone life-changing sums of money, can be generated lawfully by the operation of an 'MLM business,' is dangerous comic-book nonsense designed to deceive. 

Decades of evidence, in the form of countless millions of ill-informed persons around the world who have been churned through so-called 'MLM income opportunities,' proves beyond all reasonable doubt that, what has become habitually-referred to as, the 'MLM industry,' has actually been nothing more than a classic example of the notorious, reality-controlling, totalitarian propaganda tactic known as the 'Big Lie.' That is to say, the spreading of a falsehood which is so colossal and outrageous that the average person cannot even begin to conceive that anyone would have the audacity to invent it.  

David Brear (copyright 2024)