Monday, 24 June 2013

Warning - 'Multi-Level Marketing' Cults Kill !

From: 'The Universal Identifying Characteristics of a Cult.' 

Pseudo-scientific mystification. The instigators of pernicious cults seek to overwhelm their adherents emotionally and intellectually by pretending that progressive initiation into their own superior or superhuman knowledge (coupled with total belief in its authenticity and unconditional deference to the authority of its higher initiates) will defeat a negative or adversarial force of impurity and absolute evil, and lead to future, exclusive redemption in some form of secure Utopian existence. By making total belief a prerequisite of redemption,adherents are drawn into a closed-logic trap (i.e. failure to achieve redemption is solely the fault of the individual who didn’t believe totally). Cultic pseudo-science is always essentially the same hypnotic hocus-pocus, but it can be peddled in an infinite variety of forms and combinations (spiritual’, ‘medical’, ‘philosophical’, cosmological,’extraterrestrial’, ‘political’, ‘racial’, ‘mathematical’, ‘economic’, New-Age’, 'magical', etc.), often with impressive, made-up, technical-sounding names. It is tailored to fit the spirit of the times and to attract a broad range of persons, but especially those open to an exclusive offer of salvation (i.e. the: sick, dissatisfied, bereaved, vanquished, disillusioned, oppressed, lonely, insecure, aimless, etc.). However, at a moment of vulnerability, anyone (no matter what their: age, sex, nationality, state of mental/ physical health, level of education, etc.) can need to believe in a non-rational, cultic pseudo-science. Typically, obedient adherents are granted ego-inflating names, and/or ranks, and/or titles, whilst non-initiates are referred to using derogatory, dehumanizing terms. Although initiation can at first appear to be reasonable and benefits achievable, cultic pseudo-science gradually becomes evermore costly and mystifying. Ultimately, it is completely incomprehensible and its claimed benefits are never quantifiable. The self-righteous euphoria and relentless enthusiasm of cult proselytizers can be highly infectious and deeply misleading. They are invariably convinced that their own salvation also depends on saving others.

(David Brear, Axiom Books, Copyright 2005)


Once upon a time in the wonderland of 'Xango,' when modern western medical science didn't have a clue what to do and the Angel of Death was hovering, behold there was a miracle.

Some casual observers have believed that all the absurd 'MLM' propaganda (like that contained in the above 'Xango' video) is not particularly dangerous; that is, until they have compared it with quantifiable reality:

The following testimony was sent to me by Mark Davidson who, along with his brother, Harley, witnessed just how lethal total belief in an absurd Utopian 'MLM Income Opportunity' fairy story can be.

David Brear (copyright 2013)


'Harley and I have been warning people about Xango for years. Much like you, our experience with Xango and the whole MLM cult mentality comes from our own personal experience via a family member, our mother. Unfortunately the con job perpetrated by Xango and more specifically Dr. Templeman cost my mother her life. I can honestly say that Xango and Dr. Templeman killed my mother.

Sharon Davidson Unkefer (1940-2008) died as a result of the twin guided-delusions that modern western medical science is a scam controlled by big drug companies, and that massive doses of ($40 per bottle) 'Xango/Mangosteen Juice' can cure cancer.

In June of 2008, a CT scan revealed a growth on my mother's spine. The doctor reviewing the scan indicated that it was more than likely cancer and advised her to seek immediate professional help from a qualified Oncologist. I know, I was in the room.

'MLM' racketeer and chief  'Xango' quack, Dr. Templeman

What my mother did instead was contact Dr. Templeman, the self proclaimed mangosteen expert and medical researcher who was a personal friend and a paid pitch man for Xango.

Dr. Templeman is a retired MD (Family Practitioner) from Utah and also the father in law of the brother of one of the Xango founders. It is Dr. Templeman's literature claiming the amazing cancer curing Zanthones found in Xango that prompted the FDA warning letter in 2006.

Dr. Templeman's forte is to essential blur the lines between junk science and dubious personal anecdotal stories with very small published scientific data. Being neither a published researcher nor ever having spoken at any credible institutions of health or science, the wannabe Jonas Salk routinely claims that Xango cures cancer. The crowds he claims he has spoken to are merely attendees at Xango corporate functions. Considering the average income for MDs in the US is around $60,000* a year he's got a pretty good gig as a paid Xango executive flying the globe and being treated like a rock star at luxury hotels, exotic vacation destinations and tropical cruises.

(* At the beginning of 2014, the official average income for a General Practice family MD in the USA, was approximately $101 736 - $141 431 

What Dr. Templeman did upon learning of my mother's illness was to immediately fly out to her home, again I was there, and proceed to sell her on the notion of using an alternative health clinic and treating her cancer with massive doses of Xango. The alternative clinic is currently under criminal investigation. Needless to say, my mother was dead by mid August (two short months). What I witnessed during those two months was nothing short of criminal behaviour by a pack of greedy egomaniacs with absolutely no medical experience in treating cancer or any serious disease.

Even if you disregard the fact that Dr. Templeman is not a trained Oncologist or even licensed by the state of Arizona to practice medicine, the treatment she received was abominable! The basic minimal protocols of dealing with a deadly disease like cancer (pathology, staging diagnosis, treatment and pain management options) were never followed! The egomaniac Dr. Templeman acted as the primary physician and specialist and cut off all contacts with any of the doctors she was seeing. This, in and of itself, violates the most basic of all protocols in which the primary physician, especially Family Practitioner's, refers patients to specialists trained in specific diseases once that disease is diagnosed.

I can speak with some authority on this subject because in September of 2012 I was diagnosed with stage 3 colon cancer. I by no means claim to be an expert, but I can tell you through personal experience and dealing with numerous experts from Oncologists, Radiation Oncologists, Surgeons, Technical and support staff who deal with this daily is that my mother was cheated out of her fighting chance to beat cancer.

I was constantly asking questions and doing my own research and the bottom line is, unfortunately, the vast majority of people "suckered" into the alternative health cures are stone cold dead. I chose the traditional route and after both chemo, radiation and major surgery, I am in remission. Thank God for modern medicine and shame on those that advocate the hocus-pocus ancient Chinese secret cure for every thing that ails you.
The false hope and phony health claims of companies like Xango is an incredibly dangerous public health issue and is often overshadowed by the financial woes of it's victims. MLMs like Xango are a two sided coin that either leave you broke, dead or both.

Sharon Davidson Unkefer was married to convicted conman, turned exemplary 'Xango' millionaire shill, Sherman Unkefer.

My mother was not only the top distributor for this company, she was one of the true believers and bought into the whole "Cancer Conspiracy" that big drug companies and the American Cancer Society are suppressing natural cures that companies like Xango preach at every opportunity meeting. It's all bullshit by a gang of the most egotistical criminals, con men and liars the world has ever seen. But then again, you know this story all too well.

My brother and I, along with some other associates, have done a massive amount of research on this company and their product. The facts we have obtained would make your head spin. The amount of lies and deceit from giving themselves phony charity awards, criminal records, sick personal behaviour, constantly cheating the system they themselves have created and false medical claims abound. You hit the nail on the head when you called them cults!

A lot of the information I have not only comes from personal experience (witnessing my mother's involvement and 20 year roller-coaster ride of a whole slew of MLMs) but from legal documents uncovered through personal research and a personal lawsuit I am currently involved in. 

I hope at some point there might be enough of an outcry from the public to pass some real legislation that shut these companies down and ban all forms of MLMs. Unfortunately, the brainwashed masses who prop up these criminals continue to grind their way to a slow financial death with a big phony smile plastered on their faces and a "dynamic" opportunity to share with the world. Keep up the good work!'

Mark Davidson (copyright 2013)


  1. Nice article, however you're mistaken about MD salaries in the States. They cash in at around $150k a year and specialists can make five times that figure. Just thought I'd mention it. This is a great blog, btw.

  2. Thanks Anonymous.

    On reflection, $60k per year doesn't seem a lot for a doctor in the USA these days.

    I believe that General Practitioners working for the UK National Health Service, receive a basic £150k per year.

    I would assume that this was a typographical error on the part of Mark Davidson and I will request his permission to correct it.

    1. Anonymous - After a quick Google search - At the beginning of 2014, the official average income (as opposed to salary) for a General Practice family MD in the USA, was:

      $101 736 to $141 431

      (A correcting-note has been added to the article).
