Monday 16 January 2023

Robert FitzPatrick again explains why 'MLM/Direct Selling' is a Big Lie.


International Association to Expose, Study and Prevent Pyramid Schemes
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January, 2023
From: Robert L. FitzPatrick

Dear PONZINOMICS Readers, Colleagues and Friends,

The First Question Answered

With Ponzinomics published in all formats, 2022 was a year for me to stop and reflect on all my work in MLM and pyramid schemes, 25 years from when False Profits was published.

I made a discovery that leads me now to publish a "companion" book to Ponzinomics and False Profits. It's entitled, DIRECT SELLING, a Non-Fiction Fable.
DIRECT SELLING is smaller in size but no less relevant and important. It is focussed on the question I neglected, almost forgot, over the years. It's the first and the most basic question for consumers, regulators and journalists to ask -- but they almost never do.

Here is the question: Is MLM what it says it is: "direct selling"?

If it's not direct selling, there's no need to go further. It's using a false identity as bait. It's a con, a counterfeit, right from the start and everything that follows is based on a Big Lie. Also, there's no need to examine MLMs one at a time. They all use the same "direct selling" disguise.

Almost everyone skips over the "direct selling" question. If they question MLM at all, they go to, "Is it a pyramid scheme?" I was asked that "pyramid scheme" question in one of my very first media interviews by Mike Wallace on CBS 60 Minutes, and then a thousand times after that by journalists all over the world. Almost never am I asked, Is MLM "direct selling?" or, "What is direct selling?" That line of question would enable the journalists or a regulator or any consumer to see that MLM is something completely different, and then, maybe, to go see for themselves what it actually is. But, diverted by the revered "direct selling" identity, they never make a common-sense investigation.

Everybody's against Pyramid Schemes,
but who could oppose "Direct Selling?"

Even those who oppose MLMs, the anti-MLM movement, dive directly into the pyramid scheme question or fake income promises or false product claims, and seldom examine "direct selling." They allow MLM to remain safe within its disguise. It is implicitly granted, even by critics, "legitimacy" status of "direct selling," which no one opposes even if they know nothing about it.

Still, in the era of Costco and Amazon, you would think some journalists might ask, "How could millions of people find enough customers and sell them MLM products month after month to make a sustainable profit? Or, why would any direct sellers recruit their own competitors? Or, didn't "direct selling" go away 40 years ago? Or who needs a direct seller any more? But, they don't ask. Why?

Most – and this is especially true for regulators and journalists – don’t know what real direct selling is. They've never done it.

Most – and this is especially true for regulators and journalists – don't ask because don’t know what real direct selling is. They can't ask about something they know nothing about. They would not know how to evaluate an answer. It's not taught in law or journalism schools. Almost none have personally sold anything on a face-to-face, commission-only basis. They never spent lonely days searching for “prospects", never had to make a sale or face not being able to pay next month's rent. So, they rely on old myths about the "Yankee Peddler" and even repeat MLM's preposterous misrepresentations of, recruit your friends, high income, "anyone can do it," and products that "sell themselves."

If they had some knowledge or experience with real direct selling, they would ask obvious business questions like, how many retail customers does each "direct seller" have? How many sellers can an area support? What's the average retail profit margin? With higher priced commodity products, how can MLM-sellers compete with online sales or stores? When, these questions are not answered, they'd smell a rat. But they don't ask.

If people understood the realities of direct selling, they’d never be fooled by an MLM pitch.

DIRECT SELLING, a Non-Fiction Fable uses story and illustration to show the hard realities of direct selling. If people understood the realities of direct selling, they’d never be fooled by an MLM pitch. Anyone who has done it would fall down laughing to hear it described by MLM recruiters as fun and fulfilling or a pathway to the American Dream.

DIRECT SELLING is told as a fable to address timeless and universal issues. It is, at times, funny but always factual. It pulls back the curtain on the dark arts of true direct selling. It shows how MLM is not direct selling at all but uses some of direct selling's props and the worst of its old methods to disguise pyramid recruiting, a pathway to delusion and loss.



  1. So true, but I've given up trying to explain to my brainwashed MLMer that she can't possibly make a living selling products. Reason and facts don't count! You might as well talk to a brick wall!

    1. Which front-company has your 'brainwashed MLMer' signed up with?

    2. A Mormon MLM!!!!

  2. This is brilliantly simple and true. MLM, if the company was formed in the last 70 years or so, is almost always not Direct Selling. It shows me two things 1) How naieve I was to try to impose the "10 retail customers" eule at Amway UK and 2) thankfully when I was Vice Chair of the DSA in the mid 1980s the majority of member companies were true direct sellers - mainly party plan and door to door. Not so now - they all seem to be MLM - at their best recruitment and buying clubs and at their worst "be your own boss" and "get rich/dream building" rackets where less than one per cent make any money at all. Keep up the good work, David.

    1. Thanks Tony.

      Robert FitzPatrick's ultimate conclusion as to the true nature of the 'MLM' phenomenon, has become broadly in agreement with my own published analysis.
      If it wasn't for its serious consequences, then 'MLM' would be nothing more than a sick joke.
      Decades of evidence (in the form of countless millions of ill-informed losing 'MLM' participants) proves beyond all reasonable doubt that 'MLM' has been the made-up 'technical'-sounding title for a crack-pot (cultic) pseudo-science (peddled as a 'viable and legal direct selling income/business opportunity'), from which no ill-informed participant has had the remotest chance of generating an overall net-income lawfully.
      The 'MLM' pseudo-science can be summed up as a formula:
      'Endless-chain recruitment + endless purchases by the recruits = endless profits for the recruits.'
      Because of numerous factors, traditional direct selling has died. A growing number of copy-cat racketeers have been allowed to adopt its identity in order to peddle the above plan to commit financial suicide. This tragi-comedy has played-out right under the noses of: regulators, law enforcement agents, journalists, legislators, etc.
      The largely-unchecked global spread of the Big 'MLM' Lie represents a catastrophic failure of law enforcement, and of historic significance.
      For obvious reasons, no one in authority has wanted to open this can of worms.
      That said, the official eyes-wide-shut situation lately seems to be changing in India and Japan, where 'Amway' is currently facing the scrutiny of officials who have apparently been doing their homework.

  3. FitPatrick is wrong!!!! Its the Tools Scam stupid!!!!!!!

    1. Might you be able to stop and think for just a moment, and explain to us how the 'Tools Scam' could possibly function, if it wasn't for the fact that it has been effectively-impossible (by design) regularly to sell 'MLM' products to the general public for profit?
      'MLM' adherents have been lured into a closed-logic trap. In reality, no one can possibly make an overall net-profit from MLM.' indeed the more you try to make a profit: the more you will lose. However, the more you will be told that 'failure in MLM is entirely your own fault' and that 'you need to buy, and follow, a step-by-step- plan to achieve success.'

    2. Might YOU be able to stop and think for just a moment, the proper way to analyze a situation with two or more variables is to change one and leave the other(s) unchanged and determine which is more significant. Without using your overly used lame jargon, explain your resulting "analysis" of the retail sales vs. tool scam comparison, as well as the 70% rule, 10 customer rule, and buyback rules. I'll be waiting for your reply. I am also willing to school you on my podcast, but you're probably too chicken to make a fool of yourself on a live show. LOL

    3. If " one can possibly make an overall net-profit from MLM....", then why do SOME have lavish lifestyles?

    4. '... then why do SOME have lavish lifestyles?'
      'Some' being the operative word.
      The actual % of bosses and top shills who control the vast profits that have derived from 'MLM' rackets, is tiny, but these crooks are not 'MLM' participants.
      Common-sense should tell anyone that it has been effectively-impossible regularly to sell the banal, exorbitantly-priced, 'MLM' products to the general public for a profit.
      The real money in 'MLM' rackets has been made by means of a fraud perpetrated on an industrial scale.
      The tiny minority of wealthy 'MLM' racketeers have pretended to have access to a secret knowledge - 'a step-by-step plan' - that can enable anyone to have a lavish lifestyle (just like them). They have further pretended that they are prepared to share this secret knowledge with anyone (for a price).
      The 'plan' comprises buying a regular quota of 'MLM' products and recruiting others to do the same, etc. etc. ad infinitum.
      There are even would-be 'MLM' shills who have come forward and confessed to having lost fortunes, because (even though they obediently duplicated the 'plan' for years and put on a show of wealth) they too never made one cent of overall net-profit. Their apparent 'MLM' success was secretly financed by other external means.
      It is sad to note that the overwhelming majority of the vulgar wealth that has been prominently displayed by 'MLM' racketeers, has derived from the never-ending chains of transient 'MLM' contractors.
      In other words, 'MLM' cultic rackets have been latter-day versions of the 'Golden Calf' - a bedazzling idol that was made from its worshippers' own gold .

    5. '-----Might YOU be able to stop and think for just a moment, the proper way to analyze a situation with two or more variables is to change one and leave the other(s) unchanged and determine which is more significant. Without using your overly used lame jargon, explain your resulting "analysis" of the retail sales vs. tool scam comparison, as well as the 70% rule, 10 customer rule, and buyback rules. I'll be waiting for your reply. I am also willing to school you on my podcast, but you're probably too chicken to make a fool of yourself on a live show. LOL------'

      To whom was this anonymous comment addressed ?

    6. The comment to come on my podcast is direct to you, Brear.

    7. It is unclear what much of your comment actually means.
      One presumes then that, behind all your 'technical'-sounding, but meaningless, word-salad, you are yet another provocative, but anonymous, propagandist, broadcasting chapters of the pernicious 'MLM' fairystory?
      As for your provocative invitation for me to appear alongside you on one of your comic-book performances, that would look good on your CV, but not on mine.
