Friday 12 April 2024

'Juice Plus +' - O.J. Simpson, Bear Grylls and Theresa May - their connection with the 'Amway' copy-cat 'MLM' racket known as 'Juice Plus.'

The disgraced American celebrity, O.J. Simpson, is dead.

OJ Simpson, NFL star acquitted in ‘trial of the century’, dies aged 76 ( 


Before his spectacular, and widely publicized, fall, O.J. Simpson (aka. 'The Juice') was once the paid celebrity face of the 'Amway' copy-cat 'Multi-Level Marketing' cult known as, 'Juice Plus +.' Even when O.J. made international headlines, after he was filmed being chased in his white SUV across California by police, arrested and put on (televised) trial for committing a brutal double murder with a knife, the 'Juice Plus +' mob had not yet publicly dropped him. Part of OJ.'s defence was that his arms and hands were too weakened by arthritis for him to grip the murder weapon. However, during the trial, a 'Juice Plus +' propaganda video was cited by the prosecution featuring O.J. apparently bursting with energy; both insisting and demonstrating how his arthritis had been 'cured by Juice Plus + products.'  O.J.  had claimed in the video that he was able to grip, and freely-swing, his golf clubs again and lower his handicap. When challenged by the prosecution, O.J.'s immediate response to this evidence was that he'd merely been acting a scripted-role. Under oath, he said that 'Juice Plus+' products actually had no effect on his arthritis and that he had continued to suffer from it. 

Thus, in reality, the promotional video showed O.J. knowingly-defrauding 4000 cheering 'MLM' adherents at a pay-to-enter 'Juice Plus +' rally. However, the video had also been widely-circulated and used to defraud countless other 'Juice Plus +' recruits. Furthermore, according to the pernicious 'Juice Plus +' fairy story recited by O.J. - the products were so safe and effective that he had been able completely to stop taking his previous medically-prescribed anti-inflammatory treatments. However, again as part of his defence, OJ now declared that he had been lying about that for money as well. He said that he had never stopped taking sulsasfrazine and Ibuprofen. His past and present prescriptions would confirm this.

Only at this point did the 'Juice Plus+' mob publicly end their association with O.J. He was air-brushed out of the group's controlling narrative and the fraudulent propaganda video was ditched. 

It is quite obvious that 'Juice Plus +' has been the corporate-front for a ludicrous, but nonetheless dangerous, quack-medical scam combined with an 'MLM' cultic racket - classically hiding an inevitable overall net-loss/churn rate for participation of effectively 100%. 

Just like the 'Amway' racket, the 'Juice Plus +' racket has been global. It has been allowed to operate in plain sight in the UK for years, where its bosses have paid another celebrity, Bear Gylls, to act as pitchman. Although Bear Grylls doesn't seem to be currently employed by the 'Juice Plus +' mob, today his name and image still remain highly-visible in the group's reality-controlling narrative. Again, this tactic of associating with celebrities, can make it seem impossible to the average victim that 'Juice Plus +' is a fraud.

Juice Plus+ opens new offices in Maidenhead - Maidenhead Advertiser (

Why we're appalled that an MP and Government Minister promoted MLMs like Amway in Parliament - Talented Ladies Club

In 2015, the 'Juice Plus +' mob lured the (then) UK Home Secretary (Minister for the Interior), Theresa May, into playing the role of 'Useful Idiot' in their propaganda. Indeed, it's very likely that Bear Grylls' enthusiastic endorsement of 'Juice Plus+' was used to fool her.  Theresa May's parliamentary office was subsequently contacted by phone and, at the (verbal) request of one of her assistants, she was sent much information and analysis regarding the 'Juice Plus + MLM' racket. Theresa May and her staff did not acknowledge receipt of this important information which contained my written request for her (the Minister with responsibility for the UK Police) to pass this intelligence (concerning a foreign-controlled major organized crime group, preying on significant numbers of vulnerable UK citizens), to the relevant UK law enforcement agencies. To date, my own approaches to UK Law enforcement agencies regarding these serious matters, have never been taken up.



Multi-Level Marketing' Warning.

The following deconstructed analysis has been formulated to sharpen the critical and evaluative faculties of all unwary persons approaching so-called 'Multi-Level Marketing' from the dangerous (subjective) point of view that it must be a business/industry, rather than from the safe (purely-objective) point of view that they don't really know what it is.


More than half a century of quantifiable evidence proves beyond all reasonable doubt that:

  • the widely-misunderstood phenomenon that has become popularly-known as 'Multi-Level Marketing' (a.k.a. 'Network Marketing') is nothing more than an absurd, non-rational, economic pseudo-science maliciously-designed to lure unwary persons into de facto servitude, dissociate them from external reality and not only steal their money, but also deceive them into unconsciously acting the role of bait to lure other unwary persons (particularly their friends and family members) into the same trap.
  • the technical-sounding made-up jargon term, 'MLM,' is therefore, the misleading title for an enticing structured-scenario of control which has been developed, and constantly acted out as reality, by the instigators, and associates, of various copy-cat, major and minor, ongoing organised crime groups (hiding behind labyrinths of legally-registered corporate structures) to shut-down the critical, and evaluative, faculties of victims, and of casual observers, in order to perpetrate, and dissimulate, a series of blame-the-victim 'Long Cons' - comprising self-perpetuating rigged-market swindles, a.k.a. pyramid scams (dressed up as 'legitimate direct selling income opportunites') and related advance-fee frauds (dressed up as 'legitimate: training and motivation, self-betterment, programs, recruitment leads, lead generation systems,' etc.).

  • apart from an insignificant minority of shills (whose leading-role in the 'Long Con' has been to pretend that anyone can achieve financial freedom simply by following their unquestioning example and exactly-duplicating a step-by-step-plan of endless-chain recruitment and self-consumption), the hidden overall net-loss/churn rate for participation in so-called 'MLM income opportunities,' has always been effectively 100% by design.

The enticing structured-scenario of control fundamental to all 'rigged-market swindles' is that people can earn income by first contributing their own money to participate in a profitable commercial opportunity, but which is secretly an economically-unviable fake due to the fact that the (alleged) opportunity has been rigged so that it generates no significant, or sustainable, revenue other than that deriving from its own ill-informed participants. For more than 60 years, 'Multi-Level Marketing' racketeers have been allowed to dissimulate rigged-market swindles by offering endless-chains of victims various banal, but over-priced, products, and/or services, in exchange for unlawful losing-investment payments, on the pretext that 'MLM' products/services can then be regularly re-sold for a profit in significant quantities via expanding networks of distributors. However, since 'MLM' products/services cannot be regularly re-sold to the general public for a profit in significant quantities (based on value and demand), 'MLM' participants have, in fact, been peddled infinite shares of their own finite money (in the false expectation of future reward).

Thus, in 'MLM' rackets, the innocent looking products/sevices' function has been to hide what is really occurring.  i.e The operation of an unlawful, intrinsically fraudulent, rigged-market where effectively no non-salaried (transient) participant can generate an overall net-profit, because, unknown to the non-salaried (transient) participants, the market is in a permanent state of collapse and requires its non-salaried (transient) participants to keep finding further (temporary) de facto slaves to sustain the enticing illusion of stability and viability.
Meanwhile an insignificant (permanent) minority direct the 'Long Con' - raking in vast profits by selling into the rigged-market and by controlling/withholding all key-information concerning the rigged-market's actual catastrophic, ever-shifting results from its never-ending chain of (temporary) de facto slaves.

Although cure-all pills potions and vitamin/dietary supplements, household and beauty, products have been most-prevalent, it is possible to use any product, and/or service, to dissimulate a rigged-market swindle. There are even some 'MLM' rackets that have been hidden behind well-known traditional brands (albeit offered at fixed high prices). Some 'MLM' rackets have included 'cash-back/discount shopping cards, travel products, insurance, energy/communications services' and 'crypto-currencies' in their controlling scenarios.

No matter what bedazzling product/service has been dangled as bait, in 'MLM' rackets, there has been no significant or sustainable source of revenue other than never-ending chains of persons under contract to the 'MLM' front companies. These front-companies always pretend that their products/services are high quality and reasonably-priced and that for anyone prepared to put in some effort, the products/services can be easily sold on for a profit via expanding networks of distributors (based on value and demand). In reality, the underlying reason why it has mainly only been (transient) 'MLM' contractors who have bought the various products /services (and not the general public) is because they have been tricked into unconsciously playing along with the controlling scenario which constantly says that via regular self-consumption and the recruitment of others to do the same, etc. ad infinitum, anyone can receive a future (unlimited) reward.

I've been examining the 'MLM' phenomenon for around 25 years. During this time, I've yet to find one so-called 'MLM' front-company that has voluntarily made key-information available to the public concerning the quantifiable results of its so-called 'income opportunity' in an easy-to-understand format.

Part of the key-information that all 'MLM' bosses seek to hide concerns the overall number of persons who have signed contracts since the front companies were instigated and the retention rates of these persons.

When rigorously investigated, the overall hidden net-loss churn rates for so-called 'MLM income opportunites' has turned out to have been effectively 100%. Thus, anyone claiming (or implying) that it is possible for the average participant to make a penny of net-profit, let alone a living, in an 'MLM,' cannot be telling the truth and will not provide quantifiable evidence to back up his/her anecdotal claims.

Although a significant number of 'MLM' front-companies (like 'Vemma', 'Fortune Hi-Tech Marketing', 'Wake Up Now') have been shut-down by civil trade regulators in the USA, some of the biggest 'MLM' rackets (like 'Amway' ,'Herbalife', Forever Living Products' ) have continued to hide in plain sight whilst secretly churning tens of millions of losing participants over decades

The quantifiable results of the self-perpetuating global 'Long Con' known as 'Multi Level Marketing,' have been fiendishly hidden by convincing victims that they are 'Independent Business Owners' and that any losses they incurred, must have been entirely their own fault for not working hard enough.

Chronic victims of 'MLM' cults are invariably incapable of describing what they were subjected to in accurate terms. Even though they are no longer physically playing along with the 'Long Con's' controlling-scenario, they unconsciously continue to think, and speak, using the jargon-laced 'MLM' script – illogically describing themselves as 'Distributors, Ambassadors, Business Owners’ etc.'

Chronic victims of blame-the-victim rackets who have managed to escape and confront the ego-destroying reality that they’ve been systematically deceived and exploited, are invariably destitute and dissociated from all their previous social contacts. For years afterwards, recovering victims can suffer from psychological problems (which are also generally indicative of the victims of abuse): depression; overwhelming feelings (guilt, grief, shame, fear, anger, embarrassment, etc.); dependency/ inability to make decisions; retarded psychological/ intellectual development; suicidal thoughts; panic/ anxiety attacks; extreme identity confusion; Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder; insomnia/ nightmares; eating disorders; psychosomatic illness, fear of forming intimate relationships; inability to trust; etc.

David Brear (copyright 2024)



  2. And isn’t the only one to call out the MLM’s deceptive marketing. In 2019, the Italian Competition Authority fined Juice Plus 1 million euros ($1.04 million U.S. dollars) after an investigation revealed Italian distributors marketed Juice Plus products in hundreds of private Facebook groups without disclosing their business relationship with the MLM. Some of these undisclosed endorsements contained unsubstantiated medical claims, the Italian competition regulator found. Then in 2020, the Australian government fined Juice Plus $37,800 after finding the company used unapproved therapeutic claims to promote products in the country.

    Then came the pandemic and Juice Plus, like many of its peers in the direct selling business, pivoted to making deceptive health and earnings claims related to COVID-19, for which it received a warning letter from the FTC in June 2020. Apparently Juice Plus did not heed the words of DSA President Joe Mariano, who had urged members in March 2020 not to spread misinformation about products or the business opportunity in order to not be seen as “taking advantage of a crisis situation."

    1. Thanks. I was aware of this 'TINA' article.
      However, It is deeply ironic that in it, 'Truth In Advertising' itself continues to perpetuate the pernicious fairy story that 'MLM' companies have been engaged in 'the direct selling business.'
      This same 'TINA' article makes reference to so-called 'Direct Selling Associations' and their so called 'Code of Ethics,' which for years has put forward the outrageous falsehood that 'DSA member MLM companies have been prohibited from making misleading claims.'
      When are the people at TINA going to face the reality that the bosses of 'Amway' copy-cat cultic groups like 'Juice Plus +,' are criminals who have all been getting away with peddling essentially the same reality-inverting/controlling BS.
      It has to be said that the fantasy that the well-intentioned people at 'TINA' apparently cling to, that the front-companies for all these copy-cat 'MLM' cults can be somehow reformed and obliged to tell the truth, is laughable.


    1. Despite his superficial charm, OJ Simpson was an extremely dangerous and manipulative criminal, but his case proves that, if you have enough money to buy an echelon of amoral intellectual prostitutes to defend you, you can quite literally get away with murder in the USA.
