Monday 6 May 2024

Analysis + an open letter to the survivors who spoke the truth at the recent 'MLM' conference.


  • A brief analysis of the recent 'Multi-Level Marketing' conference organized (or rather stage-managed) by Bill Keep and his FTC associates. 

  • An open letter to the courageous survivors who spoke the truth at the recent 'MLM' conference.



Bill Keep

2024 Session Schedule — Multilevel Marketing MLM Conference

Despite the familiar platitudes Bill Keep again trotted out in his brief closing-address, the 2024 'MLM' conference was actually two different events. 

We had various, courageous, mostly-women 'MLM' survivors turned anti-'MLM' activists; including Julie Anderson, Kalika Kanitkar and Brandie Hadfield, + activist, Marco Moukhaiber and ex-'Scientologist' turned psychologist, Chris Shelton. These presenters were speaking the truth by identifying (in accurate deconstructed terms) that 'MLM' has actually been the made up technical-sounding label for an unoriginal Utopian fiction constantly-repeated, and acted out, as fact, and written in a reality-controlling jargon (Doublespeak). Marco Moukhaiber concluded that 'MLM' adherence has been a form of slavery by deception, but where the slaves are not only working without payment, they are actually having to pay their masters for this dubious privilege. I first made the same, sobering observation more than 25 years ago, but I was far from being the first person to do so.

Julie Anderson and 
 Kalika Kanitkar openly identified 'MLM' as the cover for a highly-organized cultic fraud. They further explained that the FTC has covered-up this gruesome reality for decades. Julie named just a few of the key FTC officials who, over the years, have been easily co-opted by 'MLM' racketeers with what is obviously money that has been stolen from the very people whom these same (conveniently deaf, dumb and blind) officials failed to protect.

MLMs Continue to Recruit with Deceptive Earnings Claims - (

The survivors' presentations were supported by a mountain of research that has lately been compiled, and published, by 'Truth In Advertising.' This was presented by Bonnie Patten. Essentially, this unchallenged material confirms what has already been established by all previous independent investigations of so-called 'MLM income opportunities.' i.e. That any claim, or implication, that any extra (net) income, let alone life-changing sums of money, can be generated lawfully by the operation of a so-called 'MLM business,' is comic-book nonsense designed to deceive.

There were other representatives of American consumer protection/pro-democracy associations presenting at the conference, but they clearly had little idea of the true criminogenic cultic nature, or scale of the Big 'MLM' Lie.

Dariusz Lomowski

Perhaps the most-clueless, and pointless, presenter was a Polish 'competition/consumer protection regulator,' Dariusz Lomowski. In a whining mono-tone voice reminiscent of a machine, this guy made the feeble admission that no 'MLM' company has ever been prosecuted in Poland. To be perfectly honest, I got the distinct impression that Dariusz wouldn't recognise a fraud, if one fell on his head, and in this case, one has.

Thus, with a few exceptions, the obvious evidence-based truth about the Big 'MLM' Lie, was mostly-preceded at this conference by a flock of persons with diverse academic/legal qualifications, and who were apparently attending in their professional capacity. Despite their general pretence of intellectual authority, almost without exception, these people were still thoughtlessly-reciting the 'MLM' controlling-jargon. It was abundantly clear that, in essence, the lengthy-pronouncements of these people were based on their meek acceptance of the US Federal Trade Commission's long-held, ambiguous, public assumption that 'Multi-Level Marketing is a legal industry,' but an industry which has been allowed to cause significant harm to ill-informed consumers (lately mainly women) and which should be reformed even though this will be a protracted and very difficult process first requiring legislative reform.

Although originally invited, my friend and associate, Robert FitzPatrick, was arbitrarily excluded from presenting at this conference by Bill Keep. This was for merely suggesting that the survivors should be the first to speak and made the focus of the event. However, there is no way that I would ever be invited to present at one of these conferences, but then there is no way that I would ever allow myself to be publicly-associated with Bill Keep or the FTC. Indeed, Robert and I have long-since concluded that, contrary to how he presents these annual conferences, Bill Keep's prime objective has always been to protect the FTC (which has previously employed him as a consultant) from any accusation of complicity, blame or risk of facing legal accountability for the agency's chronic failure to recognize, let alone protect the public from, the Big 'MLM' Lie. Indeed, Bill Keep ultimately claimed that there is absolutely nothing that agents of FTC can do in the short-term to change the current situation and protect the public from (what he, and they, openly accept to be) the many abuses that continue to be present everywhere within _'the MLM industry.' That is, until a specific law addressing the problem is enacted by Congress.

In reality, the two things that FTC agents seem to have been more than capable of doing, have been sitting on their arses and drawing their salaries. Certain of their number have also been capable of accepting well-paid employment with 'MLM' front companies, and allowing themselves to be head-hunted by amoral law firms (paid with piles of stolen money) to hide the ugly truth and recite the bedazzling Big 'MLM' Lie.

Again, contrary to what Bill Keep imagined in his final comments, the only real out-come of this latest conference is that he has annoyed, and in some cases provoked into anger, the courageous 'MLM' survivors whom he allowed to participate in it, but whom he easily side-lined, because he ultimately controlled the focus and non-democratic format of the event. The survivors will probably all now realize their mistake in allowing themselves to be publicly associated with Bill Keep and the FTC. Evidently, they were only there to give the appearance that all perspectives were included.

The FTC flies the Stars and Stripes at its Washington HQ, but in truth, it should have raised a white flag of surrender back in the 1970s. The perfect indication of just how inflexible, sinister and farcical Bill Keep's FTC fence-sitting position has been, was the fact that my question (to the 'regulators' and academic conference presenters) was never acknowledged, let alone answered. I actually took the considerable trouble of sending it (individually by e-mail) to various academic conference presenters last week. Furthermore, I am reliably-informed that it was selected to be posed at the end of the conference, and therefore, Bill Keep must have read it, but he evidently ignored it.

Thus, I simply asked:

Have you personally ever examined, or indeed ever tried to find, any quantifiable evidence (e.g. income-tax payment receipts) proving that any non-salaried contractor of any so-called 'MLM' company has actually generated an overall commission-based net-income (after the deduction of all start up, and operational, expenses) from regularly-retailing products/services for a profit directly to members of the general public (i.e. persons who are not fellow 'MLM' contractors), based entirely on value and demand?

Laughably, no academic or 'regulator' anywhere in the world has ever seen hard evidence proving that what the FTC has insisted is 'the legal MLM industry' actually exists. When I have posed this most-basic question designed to shine a light on the dark reality lurking behind the bedazzling 'MLM' game of make-believe (and in the most specific of terms), to date, and for obvious reasons, no one to whom it was addressed has been prepared to tell the truth.

In conclusion, I have many further common-sense questions to put to Bill Keep and his FTC associates, but again, there is no way they will answer any of these publicly, directly and truthfully, unless they become forced to. Let's face it, although I'm clearly a free-agent, these people are far from being free-agents. They know that they have absolutely no obligation even to acknowledge publicly my existence. Indeed, I will be utterly amazed if any of them submits an identifiable-comment here in an attempt to refute one word of my analysis of their disgraceful behaviour.

David Brear (copyright 2024)


Open letter to the courageous survivors who spoke the truth at the recent 'MLM' conference.


You have now seen first-hand how these so-called 'regulators,' and their 'advisers,' behave when confronted with the truth coming directly out of the mouths of increasing-numbers of 'MLM' survivors who, like all of you, have recovered enough to face reality in public.

At the recent 'MLM' conference, you were all constantly lectured like foolish children by Bill Keep and certain of his associates, that you 'must not expect change to happen quickly.'

Far from 'expecting change to happen quickly,' for many years I've known damn-well (and have predicted) that absolutely nothing is going to alter at the FTC, unless outside events force a radical change.

This Orwellian eyes-wide-shut FTC situation perfectly mirrors the situation that persisted for several years at the 'US Securities and Exchange Commission,' with regards to Bernie Madoff's Big 'Hedge Fund' Lie. That is, until Madoff became unable to maintain his absolute monopoly of information and he was forced to confess everything to his sons, who approached the FBI. Only then did law enforcement agents suddenly arrive on his doorstep with an arrest warrant. 

The SEC was worse than useless in the case of Madoff, because the agency's chronic failure to conduct the most-basic investigation of whether Madoff was actually making the trades he claimed to be making, face the reality that he wasn't and pass the matter to the FBI, actually made it appear to Madoff's victims that he couldn't possibly be a crook. Indeed, after he was convicted of fraud and sentenced to 150 years in prison, senior SEC officials still refused to accept any blame. This was even though they were savaged, and publicly ridiculed, for their costly incompetence during Congressional Hearings. The FTC's costly incompetence in the case of the Big 'MLM' Lie, has been, and remains, remarkably similar, but the scale of the crime is far greater. 

Essentially, courageous people like yourselves are telling the world that you were lured into an insidious Long Con (maliciously designed to enslave, exploit, rob, blame and silence vulnerable individuals) with a bedazzling offer of acquiring your very own viable 'business' in a branch of the 'multi-billion dollar Multi-Level Marketing/ Direct Selling industry' - an industry that has been 'recognized and approved as legal by the Federal Trade Commission and by other government regulatory agencies, internationally.' 

The reaction of Bill Keep's little bleating flock of human sheep, when faced with your undeniable truth, has not only been denial, but also scripted-obfuscation and even ridicule. Considering what you have all survived, their behaviour is, at the same time, laughable, pathetic, cowardly, shameful and abusive. 

Instead of bleating and doing fuck all, these people should have all been beating loudly on the door of criminal law enforcement agencies like the FBI, as well as briefing investigative journalists and honest legislators. Today, they should be calling for victims to come forward and supporting the filing of criminal complaints, but all they do is continue to wring their hands and claim to be impotent, whilst performing their parental-act of moral and intellectual authority. Having said all that, there is no way that any of that is going to happen.

Fortunately, you are all strong enough to face the reality that US government 'regulatory' agencies like the FTC, have not been there to protect the public. On the contrary, their role has been to maintain the illusion that the American republic is an exemplary democracy ruled by law. Yet, in respect of the Big 'MLM' Lie, nothing could be further from the truth! Indeed in the USA, government of the people, by the people, for the people, has evidently perished to be replaced by government of 'MLM' racketeers, by 'MLM' racketeers, for 'MLM' racketeers

Having said all that, the obstructive behaviour of Bill Keep and his associates, should be seen as further motivation for you all to continue broadcasting the truth.

David Brear (copyright 2024).


  1. Don't these FTC folks realise the first thing MLM believers usually say if you tell them its a scam.
    "The FTC says MLM is legal. How can it be a scam when MLM been around since the 1950s?"

    1. Anonymous - For years, there have been various 'MLM' propagandists on the Net (some of them posing as independent observers). These people have all insisted that 'MLM is legal.' Some of them have criticized me by name, but they have only trivialized and misrepresented my own position.
      However, it's painfully obvious what is happening.
      More and more courageous 'MLM' cult survivors are coming forward to tell the truth + the full and accurate explanation of the Big 'MLM' Lie has become widely-available in recent years.
      FTC officials and their advisers cannot completely ignore the 'anti-MLM' movement or this melt-down in the 'MLM' racketeers' monopoly of information, but they still cannot openly-broadcast the truth and take the matter to the FBI.
      This is because politically-appointed senior FTC officials made a catastrophic mistake when they chose not to nail the original peddlers of the Big 'MLM' Lie, back in the 1970s. Thus, an agency of the US federal government effectively-authorized fraud, and this mistake then allowed the problem to spread all around the world.
      Subsequent generations of politically-appointed senior FTC officials have simply refused to admit to their predecessors' catastrophic failure, partly because many of their predecessors have been in receipt of stolen money from the 'MLM' racketeers whose criminal activities they failed to identify. Certain FTC official's role in these matters should be identified as criminal, because, even though they pretend ignorance, they know damn-well what the Big 'MLM' Lie is, but they continue to keep their mouths shut and obstruct a full criminal investigation of it.
      This shameful situation can be compared to what is currently happening in Britain with the Post Office scandal. Almost 1000 innocent Post Office contractors are now known to have been criminally prosecuted due to faulty computer soft-ware which they were obliged to use, but this software (known as 'Horizon' and which cost more than one billion £) made it appear that they were thieves.
      The senior management of the Post Office, and of the Japanese company, Fujitsu, that supplied the software, knew the truth, but deliberately hid it and allowed a massive miscarriage of justice to occur. Most of those responsible have finally been hauled before a public enquiry and grilled by lawyers acting for the victims. All of sudden, their memories of these serious matters have become lost. They keep reciting the phrase 'I don't recall.' Various current and previous government ministers are also implicated for failing to take swift action until public opinion has forced them to. It looks increasingly likely that a considerable number of current and former Post Office and Fujitsu employees are going to be charged with the serious crime of 'conspiracy to pervert the course of justice,' and they will probably be jailed themselves.
      Ultimately UK tax payers will have to foot the bill for this catastrophic failure to tell the truth, and the innocent victims of the Big 'Horizon' Lie are still waiting for full compensation. Sadly, some of the victims have already died.

    2. It's such an obvious fraud, but the FTC has let get out of control. The regulators are now suggesting MLM recruitment is shrinking by itself . I don't think so!

    3. It does seem that claimed numbers of so-called 'direct sellers' have been getting smaller in the last couple of years, but don't forget they rose sharply during the Covid crisis. e.g. In the UK, the so-called 'Direct Selling Association,' was claiming more than 630 000 at the height of the Covid crisis, but only 450 000, before it. Today, the so-called 'UK DSA' claims 500 000. The effectively 100% overall net-loss churn rate for all these 'MLM' contractors never appears in the propaganda.

  2. Wasn't part of this conference all about how MLM companies have bought academics as well as regulators?

    1. So the academics at the conference complained about co-opted academics?

    2. More-accurately, an academic co-opted by the FTC pointed to the fact that loads of other academics have been co-opted by what he insisted is, the 'MLM Industry.' This startling revelation was apparently supposed to give credibility to the academics at the conference?
      In reality, it has been common-knowledge for a long time that 'MLM' racketeers have been using stolen money to infiltrate academic institutions, particularly in the USA and Canada. As far as I'm aware, no other academics have been complaining to the authorities, or media, about this, to try to stop it.

    3. So what is Bill Keep's position exactly?

    4. I'll take that as a serious question Anonymous, although I think you might be taking the piss?

      My article clearly sets out Keep's paid position, which has been to defend his employer, the FTC, at all cost. Consequently, he is not a free-agent and this explains why he cannot, and will not, address any specific points put to him by free-agents such as myself and Robert FitzPatrick.
      Thus, supported by a mountain of evidence, Robert and I have explained in great detail why, contrary to the position of Keep and the FTC, all 'Amway' copy-cat so-called 'MLM Income Opportunies' have been fatally-flawed-commercially to the point where any claim, or implication, that any extra (net) income, let alone life-changing sums of money, can be generated lawfully by the operation of a so-called 'MLM business,' is comic-book nonsense designed to deceive.
      In response, Keep and the FTC types have been saying (albeit not in so many words) that, although they have never found any example of a so-called 'MLM Income Opportunity' that has been operating lawfully, they still hold out the possibility that it is feasible for participants in the so-called 'MLM industry' to generate a net-income lawfully from regularly retailing products services to persons who are not fellow 'MLM' contractors.
      Robert FitzPatrick has compared the FTC's position to a group of comical scientists paid to investigate a claim that 'pigs might be able to fly,' but after decades of examining hundreds of flightless pigs, they refuse to accept the only obvious conclusion.
      In other words, the position of the FTC and Keep, is bat shit crazy.
      Thus, when I have asked if any of Keep's entourage has ever seen any quantifiable evidence supporting their refusal to conclude that so-called 'MLMs' can never fly commercially, not one of them can tell the truth.
