Wednesday 15 May 2024

Bloomberg warns about 'IM Academy,' but also broadcasts the Big 'MLM is legal' Lie.


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Families in despair over IM Academy: ‘The crypto-sect has kidnapped our children’ | International | EL PAÍS English (

Anyone with real hands-on experience of any form of trading, and a modicum of common-sense, should immediatey be able to deduce that 'IM Academy' must be a fraud. So what makes me say that with such certainty? Because, successful persons with the knowledge to make money from any legitimate form of trading, obviously have no reason to flaunt their wealth and peddle their valuable expertise to others.

Thus, there is no doubt that 'IM Academy' has been yet another corporate-front for a classic 'Amway' copy-cat blame-the-victim 'Multi-Level Marketing' cultic racket. 

The instigator and boss of 'IM Academy,' Christopher Terry, is a psychologically-dominant performer, but completely-unoriginal conman reciting the familiar 'MLM' script. He apparently learnt how to instigate his very own 'MLM' cultic racket whilst he was previously involved with 'Amway.' Thus,Terry has been pretending to have access to a secret knowledge that enabled him to transform from an ordinary poor little human into a fabulously wealthy, happy and free superhuman - all from from successfully-trading in various markets (Forex, Crypto-Currency, etc.). He has been further pretending to be prepared to share this secret, life-transforming, knowledge with anyone - for a price (part of the price being the surrender of your critical and evaluative faculties). If all this BS sounds vaguely-familiar, then just consider what Bernie Madoff got away with pretending, and right under the noses of: regulators, law enforcement agents, economists, financial journalists, etc..

Alice Kantor

A young (evidently well-intentioned) Bloomberg journalist, Alice Kantor, has recently been interviewing survivor/victims of Terry's adaptation of the Big 'Multi-Level Marketing is legal' Lie. They included Ivy League university students, whom many people would automatically-assume to be far too intelligent to fall for a conman peddling a comic-book narrative that is far too good to be true. In reality, well-educated persons who are completely convinced that they could never be conned, are often the easiest persons to con and to keep conned. Unfortunately, Alice Kantor specialises in personal finance stories and, evidently, she has no hands-on experience of actual trading, or of investigating organized crime or long cons run by the bosses of pernicious cults. Hopefully, she has a modicum of common-sense and the capacity to admit to making a mistake? However, even though Alice Kantor also approached various widely-recognized independent authorities on the 'MLM' cult phenomenon (including Robert FitzPatrick), her Bloomberg article/video (whilst seeming to be a well-informed warning that 'IM Academy' is a front for a pyramid scheme targeting students), casually repeats the Federal Trade Commission's nonsensical version of the Big 'MLM is Legal' Lie.  


Former Herbalife Distributors Speak Out: Documentary (

Indeed, in her article/video, Alice Kantor actually made unqualified reference to both 'Amway' and 'Herbalife,' as examples of 'legal MLMs.' Thus, I am forced to conclude that she must have also approached the FTC, and/or its employee, the self-appointed 'MLM expert,' Bill Keep.

Like many others before her, what Alice Kantor has understandably failed to realize, is that the Big 'MLM is legal' Lie is potentially one of greatest scandals in recent history, in that, starting with the Republican administration of Gerald Ford, successive US governments (via the FTC) have been broadcasting the Big 'MLM is legal' Lie, as though it is the truth. Thus, successive US governments have enabled a vast and destructive blame-the-victim fraud not only to be extensively-duplicated and inflicted on many millions of vulnerable American citizens, but also to be exported all around the world. Indeed, I am a British collateral victim of this ongoing chronic, and catastrophic, failure of American law enforcement. This is the dark truth that Bill Keep and his federal government paymasters do not want to escape into the light of day, and possibly transform into a major international scandal.

Alice Kantor has so far been yet another casual observer of part of the criminogenic 'MLM' phenomenon, but who has never seen, or even thought to look for, quantifiable evidence proving that any contractor of any so-called 'MLM' company has ever generated an overall net-income lawfully (after the deduction of all allied start up, and operational, expenses) by regularly retailing products/services to members of the general public (i.e. persons who are not fellow 'MLM' contractors) based on value and demand. In other words, Alice Kantor is yet another in an ever-lengthening line of journalists who have all reported the pernicious comic-book 'MLM' fiction as though it is fact. Yet the sinsister reality behind the bedazzling 'MLM' façade was clearly explained to Alice Kantor.

i.e. That due to all the built-in anti-commercial factors, the hidden overall net-loss/churn rate fo'MLM' participation has always been effectively 100%, by design. In reality, 'MLM' has been the made-up technical-sounding label for a fake business - a self-perpetuating cultic racket based on luring vulnerable persons into believing in a crack-pot economic/commercial pseudo-science.  The so called 'MLM business model' has been maliciously-designed to produce universal financial losses for its never-ending chains of ill-informed de facto-slave proselytizers. Indeed, the longer anyone persists in trying to succeed in an 'MLM' cultic racket: the more time and money he/she will waste. Thus, anyone claiming or implying that it is possible to make money from the operation of a so-called 'legal MLM business,' let alone gain life-transforming wealth, cannot be telling the truth and will not produce any quantifiable evidence to verify their vague anecdotal statements.

In truth, any journalist reporting on the activies of an 'MLM' front-company, but who doesn't clearly understand the above, is merely demonstrating his/her pitifully low-level of understanding the wider 'MLM' cult phenomenon, 

David Brear (copyright 2024)


  1. How the fuck have these IM Academy scammer been allowed to get away with this?

    1. Anonymous, the same common-sense question applies to literally hundreds of 'Amway' copy-cat blame-the-victim 'MLM' cults which have been allowed to shield the same obvious rigged-market swindle (aka. Pyramid scheme).
      The answer to the question being, that the bosses of these identical swindles have all insisted that 'MLM is legal,' because the US government (in the shape of the FTC) has also been broadcasting that Big Lie for decades.
      Today, the Federal Trade Commision is still broadcasting the Big 'MLM is legal' Lie, and its legally-qualified agents and their various intellectual prostitutes, absolutely refuse to admit to the US government's catastrophic error. These amoral twits at the FTC continue to refuse to tell the truth publicly that all so-called 'MLM' companies have been hiding the same obvious frauds.
      The absurdity of this ongoing situation almost beggars belief. Each time a so-called 'MLM' company has been investigated by the reality-denying clowns infesting the corridors of the FTC, it has been discovered that the overwhelming majority of the so-called 'MLM' company's revenue has always derived from its own never-ending chain of ill-informed contractors, who have been deceived into handing over their money in the false-expectation of a (non-existent) future reward.

      The FBI should have been called in decades ago, but it is still not too late to start making hundreds of arrests.

  2. An e-mail enquirer wants to know if I am accusing the FTC of lying ?

    For more than 40 years, employees of FTC have been saying that 'Multi-Level Marketing is legal,' but then they say that 'MLM is legal provided it passes a certain test.'
    However, during these 40+ years, FTC agents have never actually found an 'MLM' that passes their test.

    The only logical conclusion which can be formed from this, is that the FTC types who continue to broadcast the Big 'MLM is legal ' Lie, are incredibly stupid and/or incredibly dishonest.
