Wednesday 9 October 2024

13 years of Deluded De Facto Slavery in the 'Amway/MLM' Cult

 13 Years In The Amway Cult | Multi-Level Misery - YouTube

I entitled this video link, "13 years of De Facto Slavery in the 'Amway' Cult," but this couple confess that they actually paid a total at least $70 000 to their de facto masters, but that doesn't include the value of their unpaid labour or their loss of potential income elsewhere. 

In respect of 'MLM' cults, the term, 'business,' is an inversion of reality. What these 'Amway' survivors are actually describing, is how they were lured into becoming chronically deluded proselytizers for a non-rational ritual belief system, disguised as a 'business,' and which has been instigated for the hidden, criminal purpose of human exploitation. 

Their courage in coming forward to tell the truth, is to be admired.


  1. And of course there are literally hundreds of these stories out there in the public domain. You only have to go to Life After MLM the Podcast and discover all these people who tell pretty much the same story. It’s astonishing how many of these stories there are and yet no government has been brave enough to say “enough is enough, we’re shutting these practices down!”
    A global racket that effectively takes $190 BILLIONS out of the real world economy.
    Imagine what that would do for the real economy; it could be life changing! More people who have money to spend on real business cosmetics, real business cleaning products, real health care, real insurances, real utilities. Probably also less people living with debts and having to use food banks to feed their families.

    1. Anonymous - This couple of 'Amway' survivors merely confirm what we already know.
      If we just look at what the bosses of 'Amway,' and their criminal associates, are known to have stolen from UK citizens, the scale of this form of racketeering, and the catastrophic failure of law enforcement to tackle it, becomes apparent.
      Due largely to my well-informed complaints, UK civil regulators finally made public an investigation of 'Amway UK Ltd.' in 2007. This investigation discovered that at least one million UK citizens had passed through 'Amway's' fake 'income opportunity' during the period 1973-2006. It also discovered that 'Amway UK Ltd.' had never once declared a net-trading profit, but had declared losses totalling millions of $. However, 'Amway UK Ltd.' was merely the insolvent bait in a classic cultic trap. Behind this apparently pointless corporate front, were allied companies ( 'including International Business Systems UK Ltd.) that peddled a 'step-by-step-plan to achieve total financial freedom.' This is what has become known as the 'Amway Tools Scam.'
      UK regulators agreed with my estimate that probably over one billion $ had been removed from more than one million UK citizens via this secondary advance fee fraud. This part of the 'Amway' cultic racket has never been prosecuted in the UK, partly because most of the money that was stolen was shipped out of the UK to the USA.
      'International Business Systems UK Ltd.' and other similar corporate fronts, were voluntarily closed in 2007. Their UK directors were excommunicated from 'Amway' - allegedly for 'breaking the rules.'
      There is no doubt that the directors of 'International Business Systems UK Ltd.', Messrs. Jerry Scriven and Pat Gregory and their wives, Mandy and Greta, were key agents in one of the most extensive, and serious, foreign-controlled frauds ever to enter the UK. UK senior civil regulators had all of this explained to them by me, and even by 'Amway' survivor, Eric Sheibeler, whom I personally traced in the USA and then arranged to come to the UK to meet with them.
      A criminal investigation of the full 'Amway' racket was supposed to be launched after the UK front company was closed, but this never happened. In an ideal world, Messrs. Scriven and Gregory and their wives should have been charged with conspiracy to commit fraud, convicted and sent to prison. The highest levels of UK government should have issued a clear warning to the UK public and pressured the US federal government to investigate 'Amway' and its international 'tools scam,' as well as all its many copy-cats.
      Instead, the UK government has continued to ignore this vast problem, whilst the US federal government, in the shape of the Federal Trade Commission, has continued to broadcast misleading elements of the Big 'MLM' Lie.
      It should be remembered that, whilst law enforcement has done effectively nothing to identify the true nature of, let alone stop, the problem, there are literally hundreds of blame-the-victim 'Amway' copy-cat 'MLM' cults operating in the world today. Conservative estimates are that, each decade, at least one billion ill-informed individuals are being churned through them. 'MLM' groups have become by far, the most contagious, extensive, widely-copied and profitable evolution of the criminogenic cult phenomenon in the modern era. This shocking description, even though it is backed up by all independent evidence and is surely accurate, still remains unthinkable to most people.

    2. Thanks you make it clear how this con works. No one can money in an "MLM" from selling the products, but the "plan" keeps telling you that anyone can make money if you ignore your losses and just keep buying and recruiting others to buy. It's fucking evil isn't it?

    3. Jane Doe - Essentially, what you describe is exactly how 'MLM' cultic rackets have functioned, and for decades. The point being that, if 'MLM' really was a viable form of commercial enterprise from which you could lawfully generate an overall net-income by regularly selling goods/services for a profit to members of the general public (i.e. persons who are not fellow 'MLM' contractors motivated by a false-expectation of a future reward), then the main part of the fraud couldn't function.
      The main part of the fraud being, the peddling of the fake 'step-by-step-plan to achieve total financial freedom.'
      In reality, this has been a plan to commit financial suicide, simultaneously loading those following it, with shame and guilt. Most abandon the 'plan' after a short period, because they can't afford to continue. Others, like the couple in Marco's interview video (with access to independent funds) can remain enslaved by the Big 'MLM' Lie for extended periods. In their case, for 13 years.
      You are correct, blame-the victim 'MLM' cultic racketeering is 'fucking evil.'
