Monday 14 October 2024

Six Years of Deluded De Facto Slavery in the 'Amway/MLM' Cult.


In this recent interview, Julie Anderson's guest is T.J., who was lured into the 'Amway' cult when he was still at college. During the period he remained under the control of his 'Upline' handlers, T.J. admits to acting as an enthusiastic, but ill-informed, proselytizer for the Big 'Amway MLM' Lie, whilst handing over at least $1000 per month in exchange for 'Amway' products, and at least $1000 per month to another company, run by 'Amway' shills, in exchange for what he still mistakenly describes as  'Business Support Materials.'

Life After MLM ( 

T.J. is a recovering 'Amway' survivor, who is now beginning to understand that there have been at least 60 labyrinths of allied, multi-national, corporate structures generating vast, unlawful revenues for their American bosses, via the peddling of essentially the same  fake 'step-by-step plan to achieve total financial feedom' to the constantly churning ranks of ill-informed losing 'Amway' adherents, like himself.

For decades, 'Amway' shills have been getting away with operating a blame the victim cultic racket that is neither original nor unique. In this, they have essentially pretended to be ordinary poor humans who have discovered a secret knowledge (a step-by-step plan) that has allowed them to transform into fabulously wealthy, happy and free superhumans. They have further pretended to be prepared to share this secret life-changing knowledge with anyone, for a price - part of the price being the surrender of your critical and evaluative faculties.

Thus, at no stage in his 6 years of deluded 'Amway' adherence will T.J. have been shown any independent quantifiable evidence (e.g. income tax payment receipts) proving that other any other 'Amway' adherent has actually managed to generate an overall net-income lawfully (after the deduction of all start-up, and related operating, expenses) by regularly selling products for a profit to members of the general public (i.e. persons who are not fellow 'MLM' contractors motivated by a false-expectation of a future reward) based entirely on value and demand.

The important information that was maliciously withheld from T.J., and from many millions of other transient 'Amway' adherents down the decades, is that the hidden overall net-loss/churn rate for 'Amway' participation has always been effectively 100%, by design.

Obviously, if 'MLM' really was a viable and lawful form of commercial enterprise from which participants could generate an overall net-income , then the most-profitable part of 'MLM' cultic racketeering couldn't function. The main part of the racket being, the peddling of the fake 'step-by-step-plan to achieve total financial freedom.'

In reality, this has been a plan to commit financial suicide, simultaneously loading those following it, with shame and guilt. Thus, preventing them from facing reality and complaining.

Most 'MLM' adherents have abandoned the 'plan' after quite a short period, because they can't afford to continue to pay for it. Others (with access to independent funds) have remained enslaved by the Big 'MLM' Lie for extended periods, whilst they continue to pay, and to obey, their de facto masters.

It should be remembered that, whilst law enforcement has done effectively nothing to identify the true nature of, let alone stop, the problem, there are literally hundreds of blame-the-victim 'Amway' copy-cat 'MLM' cults operating in the world today. Conservative estimates are that, each decade, at least one billion ill-informed individuals are being churned through them. 'MLM' groups have become by far, the most contagious, extensive, widely-copied and profitable evolution of the criminogenic cult phenomenon in the modern era. This shocking description, even though it is backed up by all independent evidence and is surely accurate, still remains unthinkable to most people.

Should any readers still be asking who is this English guy, David Brear, and what qualifies him to pronouce this damning judgement of 'Amway/MLM,?,' I would remind them of the following information.

When 1980s Satanic Panic Targeted Procter & Gamble - Atlas Obscura

P&G wins $19.25 million in Satanism suit (

Back in the 1980s and 1990s, 'Amway' and some 'Amway' shills became embroiled in a extraordinary series of lawsuits with the Proctor and Gamble corporation These involved the spreading of a damaging lie amongst the 'Amway' faithful, that P&G's historic logo, the moon and stars, was a secret satanic symbol. Eventually, after years of litigation, a jury ordered four 'Amway' shills to pay P&G $19.25 millions.

 G. Robert Blakey - Wikipedia

At one stage, P&G's attorneys  sought an expert legal of opinion of 'Amway' from Professor G. Robert Blakey, a former US Dept. of Justice attorney, generally-considered to be the USA's leading authority on organized crime. 

blakey_report.pdf (

Blakey's 'Amway' report has been available on the Net for many years. However, in an e-mail exchange I had with Blakey more around 25 years ago, he claimed that the document remained the private property of P&G, and that it had been taken from his office by an assistant and posted without his consent.

Although Blakey made the classic mistake of describing 'Amway' as a 'business,' his expert legal opinion of 'Amway' is jaw-dropping to say the least.

'It is my opinion that the Amway business is run in a manner parallel to that of major organized crime groups, in particular the Mafia. The structure and function of major organized crime groups, generally consisting of associated enterprises engaging in patterns of legal and illegal activity, was the prototype forming the basis for federal and state racketeering legislation that I have been involved in drafting. The same structure and function, with associated enterprises engaging in patterns of legal and illegal activity, is found in the Amway business.'


Although his report doesn't make it clear, I think Prof. Blakey began to understand that the 'Amway' racketeers want investigators to believe is that somehow the various front companies comprising their racket are independent of one another. In reality, the various elements of this Mafia-like structure have been locked in a pernicious relationship with the same hidden criminal objective, in that, each part of the racket cannot function without the other one. 

Years ago, I described 'Amway' as acting as a false beacon luring unwary individuals towards what appears to be a safe haven. These ill-informed individuals have actually been lured towards dangerous waters where they will be wrecked, and robbed, by racketeers who are obviously acting in association with the other racketeers operating the false beacon.

David Brear (copyright 2024)


  1. Wow!!
    I wonder exactly how much Scamway has cost TJ?

    1. 'Wow' indeed, but how does one put a price on 6 years of de facto enslavement to the Big 'MLM' Lie?
      Of course, if TJ were to send 'Amway's' bosses a large bill for what has been inflicted on him, and then sue them for non-payment, no doubt 'Amway's' attorneys would immediately point to the fact that, since 1979, the US Federal Trade Commission has said that 'MLM can be a viable and lawful form of direct selling. '
      However, all the quantifiable evidence, comprising countless millions of ill-informed persons who, like TJ, have been lured into, dissociated from external reality, robbed, exploited and churned through 'Amway' copy-cat 'MLM' cults down the decades, reveals the FTC's eyes-wide-shut position to be both absurd and highly dangerous.
